Side effects of mifepristone-misoprostol abortion versus medical abortion: Data from a trial in China, Cuba, and India

February 1999

Side effects of mifepristone-misoprostol abortion versus medical abortion: Data from a trial in China, Cuba, and India

Elul B, Ellertson C, Winikoff B, Coyaji K. Side effects of mifepristone-misoprostol abortion versus medical abortion: Data from a trial in China, Cuba, and India. Contraception. February 1999; 59(2):107-114

Although serious adverse events of early abortion have been studied, little attention has been paid to the more common side effects experienced by early medical or surgical abortion clients. Using data from a multicenter comparative trial of women < or = 56 days' gestation in China, Cuba, and India (n = 1373), side effects experienced by mifepristone-misoprostol medical abortion and surgical abortion clients were analyzed at the different stages of their abortions. Data on side effects came from women's reports at each clinic visit, providers' observations during the clinic visits, and symptom diaries maintained during the study period. Medical abortion clients at all sites experienced more side effects than their surgical counterparts. The disparity between the two groups was particularly pronounced for bleeding and pain. Despite more reports of side effects among medical abortion clients, however, assessments of well-being and reports of satisfaction at the exit interview were similar in both treatment groups.