Later Abortion Initiative (LAI) and Later Abortion Network (LAN)

All people have the right to access safe, high-quality, affordable, stigma-free abortion throughout pregnancy. Several state and federal policies and programs in the United States are not evidence-based, leading to myths and misconceptions about later abortion (abortion performed after the first trimester) and additional burdens on people who seek it. Through a bold approach to research and partnerships across the sexual and reproductive health, rights, and justice (SRHRJ) movement, the Later Abortion Initiative (LAI) and the Later Abortion Network (LAN) aim to change the landscape of later abortion care in the United States.

Since 2015, the LAI team has been using research, advocacy, policy, programmatic, and communications efforts to achieve this goal. We conduct rigorous research on how later abortion care can be made more accessible and affordable; partner with allies in the reproductive justice and disability rights movements to build intersectional support for later abortion; facilitate referrals, trainings, and support for later abortion care through partnerships at the state and federal levels; and serve as a repository on later abortion information through our website.

LAN connects organizations and individuals committed to increasing access to high-quality later abortion services. By providing our nearly 300 members with a safe forum to share knowledge about later abortion, LAN acts as a catalyst for collaborative work that advances clinical care and addresses legislative issues surrounding later abortion.

By integrating robust research with advocacy, hosting key convenings, and implementing comprehensive, informative communications and dissemination strategies, LAI and LAN document clinical approaches to later abortion care, raise awareness about the importance of access to later abortion care, and help improve referrals. This leads to shifts in practice and public opinion, along with necessary longer-term changes such as increasing upper gestational age limits, providing easier access to evidence-based information, and increasing public support for abortion throughout pregnancy.

Peer-reviewed Articles (5)

Briefs and Reports (14)

Commentaries (1)
