Feasibility of respondent driven sampling to recruit participants with recent abortion experiences in humanitarian contexts: Protocol, study profile, and methodological assessment (pre-print)
Jayaweera R, Odhoch L, Nabunje J, Zuniga C, Powell B, Barasa W, Aber F, Nyalwal B, Wado Y D, Ouedraogo R, Kakesa J, Fetters T. October 2024. DOI: https://doi.org/10.31219/osf.io/8ydjc
This paper describes our experience using respondent-driven sampling (RDS) as a strategy to recruit participants who have had a recent abortion in Kakuma Refugee Camp, Kenya and Bidibidi Refugee Settlement, Uganda. We present a detailed account of our study design and methodological assessment of RDS, describe the study profile, discuss the successes and challenges encountered, and evaluate the feasibility of this approach for generating valuable data on abortion in humanitarian settings.
Note: This article is a pre-print and has not yet been peer-reviewed.