Ibis responds to overturn of Roe v. Wade

June 2022 | Statement

Cambridge, MA, June 24, 2022 – Today, the US Supreme Court released a final decision on Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization. The decision overturns Roe v. Wade, the ruling that established the constitutional right to abortion in 1973. The case was focused on whether Mississippi’s 15-week abortion ban was constitutional. While the ruling does not make abortion illegal, it says there is nothing in the constitution that protects the right to access abortion, removing federal protections and allowing states to further restrict access to abortion care. 

Kelly Blanchard, MSc, and President of Ibis Reproductive Health, released the following statement in response to the decision:  

“We are angry and heartbroken that the Supreme Court has overturned Roe v. Wade, reversing a decision that for nearly 50 years has protected people's right to control their lives and plan their families and futures. Taking away the constitutional protections for abortion is an assault on human rights, bodily autonomy, and self-determination for everyone in America. 
“While federal protections granted by
Roe v. Wade have been vital to preserving the right to bodily autonomy, it never ensured access for everyone. Black people, Indigenous peoples, AANHPI and Latine people, LGTBQ+ people, and people working to make ends meet face more barriers to abortion access—barriers driven by systemic racism and other systems of oppression. This decision places access further out of reach for so many—which is why our research will continue to amplify the voices of our communities, highlight the barriers people face, and innovate solutions to address these challenges.   

“Today’s decision also flies in the face of extensive research that shows that abortion restrictions harm individuals’ and families’ health and well-being, as well as global recommendations for abortion as safe and essential health care. The right to abortion in the United States has inspired progress around the world; the heartening advances that have taken place recently in other countries make this backsliding even more shocking.  

“While the road ahead is difficult, we are committed to ensuring access to safe, high-quality abortion care for all. We will build on our experience working in more and less restrictive contexts in the US and around the globe as we adapt to do the research that will help expand access even in the face of this ruling. While laws may change, the fact remains that abortion services are an essential part of health care and critical to our ability to have a pleasurable, safe, and fulfilling sexual and reproductive life and build the families we choose.”