Brigitte Amiri joins Ibis Board of Directors

June 2019 | Statement

We are delighted to announce that Brigitte Amiri, deputy director of the ACLU Reproductive Freedom Project, has joined Ibis’s Board of Directors as a member at large. Brigitte is currently leading critical litigation on sexual and reproductive health, rights, and justice, including the Jane Doe case challenging the Trump administration’s ban on abortion for unaccompanied immigrant minors, the Kentucky Legislature’s ban on abortion after six weeks of pregnancy on behalf of the last abortion clinic in the state, and the administration’s rollback of the birth control benefit provided in the Affordable Care Act.

“We all have the right to make informed decisions about our sexual and reproductive health care without political interference and I am thrilled that Brigitte will bring her experience defending reproductive autonomy, choice, and health to her role as a board member,” Kelly Blanchard, president of Ibis Reproductive Health.

Please join us in welcoming Brigitte!

Meet Brigitte