Ibis responds to Supreme Court decision on birth control coverage

July 2020 | Statement

CAMBRIDGE, Mass.—Today, Kelly Blanchard, President of Ibis Reproductive Health, released the statement below in response to the Supreme Court's decision on birth control coverage.

“Today’s decision is a devastating loss and flies in the face of what we know to be true based on decades of research. Birth control is essential to people’s health and wellbeing and vital for economic security—and no one, especially not your employer or your university, should be able to determine whether you can receive the health care you need to thrive.

As restrictions on health care often do, this decision will compound the harm for those who are not served or supported by our health care systems: low-wage workers, people of color, young people, immigrants, and LGBTQ+ people. This is especially shameful during a global pandemic that has highlighted just how precarious economic security is for so many and launched a national discussion about the racial disparities that have always existed in our health care systems. Today’s decision only strengthens our resolve to fight for comprehensive birth control coverage—including an over-the-counter birth control pill that’s affordable and covered by insurance—so everyone can exercise their right to a pleasurable, safe, and healthy sexual and reproductive life during a time of immense instability.”