Ibis Associate Amanda Dennis participates in congressional briefing on Title X funding under ACA

March 2014

March 20, 2014 – Family planning and sexual health advocates, providers, and research experts recently joined together at the Capitol to discuss “The Publicly Funded Family Planning Network: An Essential Partner in the New Health Care Environment.”

The Title X family planning program and publically?-funded family planning clinics have long played an integral role in care delivery. Four in ten women who receive care at Title X-funded health centers consider it to be their only source of health care and six in ten women consider it their main source of care. While the Affordable Care Act expands access to health care for millions, our research shows that people will continue to rely on these programs and networks.

Citing Ibis’s research on health care reform in Massachusetts, Dr. Dennis said, “We learned in Massachusetts that health care reform is promising, but not perfect. After health care reform, family planning providers in Massachusetts continued to play a critical role by offering affordable, quality health care for populations in need.”

All panelists agreed that continued support of federal and state family planning programs is essential to ensuring that quality health care is accessible throughout the country.

The briefing was co-hosted by Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and the National Family Planning & Reproductive Health Association (NFPRHA). Panelists included Clare Coleman, President and CEO, NFPRHA, Amanda Dennis, Associate, Ibis Reproductive Health, Andrea Flynn, Fellow, Roosevelt Institute, and Susan Yolen, Vice President of Public Affairs, Planned Parenthood of Southern New England.