Announcement of Charlotte Ellertson’s death

March 2004 | Statement

We announce with much sadness that on March 21, 2004, Charlotte Ellertson, Ibis’s founder and president died after a year-long battle with breast cancer.  Charlotte was a wonderful friend, mentor, and colleague. Her energy and enthusiasm for our work was infectious and she inspired us with her unique insight, hard work and intellect.  We at Ibis hope to honor Charlotte by continuing the work that was so important to her. We can think of no greater tribute to Charlotte than to further her vision of a world where women and men have healthier reproductive lives characterized by dignity and choice. Charlotte will be greatly missed.

Christopher Elias, Board Chair
Kelly Blanchard, Katharine Miller and Laurel Morrison, Senior Management Team
And the rest of the Ibis Staff

We will always miss Charlotte’s leadership, energy, and sense of humor. Her memory inspires us to work toward a world in which women have healthy reproductive lives characterized by autonomy and choice

The Charlotte Ellertson Fund