News & Announcements

January 2017
We at Ibis are angry and disappointed that President Trump chose to reinstate the Mexico City Policy, commonly known as the Global Gag Rule. The Global Gag Rule prevents health care providers around the world who receive US funding from offering comprehensive sexual and reproductive health care,...
November 2016
Like many of you, we are still processing the outcome of the US election and what it means for our families, our communities, and our work. We expect some challenging battles ahead, but are ready to stand up for our values and fight for information, policies, and services that meet the needs of all...
June 2016
Ibis applauds Maryland’s Contraceptive Equity Act, signed into law on May 10. This law, which will take effect January 1, 2018, provides the most comprehensive contraceptive coverage in the United States. We are particularly enthusiastic about the law’s provision mandating that insurers...
May 2016
An article published in the Lancet shows that abortion rates declined significantly in the developed world between 1990 and 2014, while remaining largely unchanged in developing regions. Ibis’s Dr. Caitlin Gerdts partnered with the Guttmacher Institute and the World Health Organization on a...
