Evaluating the reproductive health content of nursing education in Palestine

The political and economic situation in Palestine has had a dramatic impact on reproductive health services. A variety of linked interventions are needed to meet the reproductive heath needs of Palestinian women, and the Palestinian national development plans (1994-2003) identified a number of priority areas for improving the health system and increasing the number of qualified health service professionals. As nurses and midwives represent 33% of all health care personnel in Palestine, this project assessed the reproductive health content of nursing education. Funded by the Palestinian-American Research Center, our national survey of nurse educators and final-year nursing students will allowed us to identify priority areas for reproductive health curriculum reform. In collaboration with colleagues at the Faculty of Nursing, Bethlehem University, we  developed strategies for improving reproductive health training at the institutional and national levels. We also hope that this study will seed a larger regional initiative of nursing programs in the Levant, the Gulf, and Iran.